Basic information about South Korea
Its official name is Republic of Korea, and it is located in East Asia, bordered to the north by North Korea, to the east by the Sea of Japan, to the south by East Chine Sea and to the west by the Yellow Sea. Currently South Korea has an estimated 51.835.110 inhabitants, of which about half reside in the metropolitan area of Seoul tha capital. The official language is Korean, however English is widely used. The currency they used is the South Korean Won and its exchange in dollars is: 1 dollar = 1,172.44 won.
The Korean flag is called Taegeukgi, and is composed by several parts, the first is the red and blue circle in the midle and is called taegeuk, and is divided into two parts, the red part represents the force of yang and the blue part represents the force of um, in others words they represent the positive cosmic forces and the negative cosmic forces respectly and together they form the balance of the universe. The white color represents peace and purity. The 4 black trigrams symbolize heaven, water, fire and earth.
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