Gender roles, values and labels


South Korean society has historically been patriarchal and deeply rooted in tradicional models in diferent areas of life. For example, in the tradicional family model, youg married has great relevance, the woman takes the role of mother and houswife while the man only takes care of work.

However, since the 1960s, after the entry of women into the workforce, women´s roles have been changing. Today young women seek a higher academic level and better jobs, they get involved in politics, art, medicine, sports, among other areas. On the other hand, nowdays many women tend to leave their positions and studies after getting married and having children to take care of their children. In addition there is still a preference for boys over girls and this leads in some cases to clandestine abortion.

The male role continues to have a higher percentage in the workplace and occupies the highest hierarchical levels. For example, in politics the percentage is 70 percent. On the other hand, in the last decade the male role has become more involve in aesthetics and personal care, Seoul being the capital of male makeup.


Regarding the principles and qualities that characterize South Korean culture, They are strongly marked by concepts such as confucianism, religions or modernity, amongh others which I will deal with below.
First of all we have to know that South Korea is a country overwhelmingly ethnically homogenous with over 96% sharing the same Korean ethnicity. Respect religions the country is made up of Christianity approximately 27%, 20% Protestant, 15% Buddhism, although most of the population declares without religious affiliation with 56%.

Hahn: Is the collective feeling of frustration and it manifests itself in the rise of nationalism, work ethic, and the intense focus on korean prosperity that generate frsutration on the korean people.

Chaemyoun: It´s about the concept of face and referes to the appearance people want to present to others, in regard to their gender roles in family and society. People want to maintain the best possible image and enjoy a better social status.

Confucianism: This way of thinking emphasis on the importance in healthy human interactions. Promoting defined hierarchical relationships and the values of obedience, responsability and respect. This is seen especially in business, in the social hierarchy and the importance of the age for South Koreans.

Modernity and global culture: Currently, Korean young shows more westernized and individualistic features, this due to the influence of globalization. However this culture continues to be very diligent and competent especially in the educational field.


Bellow you will find a list of labels that are part of South Korean culture, the ideal is to follow the recommended ones. 

It is rude to enter someone´s home with bare feet.

It is rude to blow your nose in public spaces, especially if we make noise or large movements.

It´s impolite to call a person palm up, especially using just one finger, because that´s what koreans call their pets.

 It is taken as rude for you to get up from tha table before others.

When someone is guving yoy something, it is very rude for them that you only receive it with one hand.
You should not serve the drink yourself, but wait for the other person to serve.

Never hold chopsticks and spoon at the same time, only one utensil at a time.

Saying hello and thanking are very important to Koreans. Words of greeting and thanks are usually said with a slight nod of the head.

When speaking to an older person is important to say first the last name and then the name.

You must wear slippers or socks to enter houses, temples and some restaurants.

✅  Wearing a mask when you are sick is a sign of respect for the community.

If you have finished eating, stay seated and wait for and older person to give you permission to leave.


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