
Using the Lewis and Hofstede models

There are differents models that allow us to define the characteristics of the cultures of the countries, one of these models was created by Richard Lewis , a British linguist. In his model he divides the countries into 3 categories or cultural types, which are: linear active , multiactive and reactive . Another model that allows differentiating cultures is that of  Geert Hofstede´s   theory of the 6 cultural dimensions, which are, power distance , individualism , masculinity , uncertainty avoidance , long term orientation and indulgence .    LEWIS MODEL   According to the image, the South Korean culture can be identified as reactive, this means that it is a culture known for listening to the opinion of the other person, rarely there are discussions or interrupting  the other person, on the contrary they listen and establish their position after having waited the necessary time. In addition, reactive cultures are introverted and are experts in non-verbal...

Gender roles, values and labels

 GENDER ROLES South Korean society has historically been patriarchal and deeply rooted in tradicional models in diferent areas of life. For example, in the tradicional family model, youg married has great relevance, the woman takes the role of mother and houswife while the man only takes care of work. However, since the 1960s, after the entry of women into the workforce, women´s roles have been changing. Today young women seek a higher academic level and better jobs, they get involved in politics, art, medicine, sports, among other areas. On the other hand, nowdays many women tend to leave their positions and studies after getting married and having children to take care of their children. In addition there is still a preference for boys over girls and this leads in some cases to clandestine abortion. The male role continues to have a higher percentage in the workplace and occupies the highest hierarchical levels. For example, in politics the percentage is 70 percent. On the other ...

Basic information about South Korea

Its official name is Republic of Korea, and it is located in East Asia, bordered to the north by North Korea, to the east by the Sea of Japan, to the south by East Chine Sea and to the west by the Yellow Sea. Currently South Korea has an estimated 51.835.110 inhabitants, of which about half reside in the metropolitan area of Seoul tha capital. The official language is Korean, however English is widely used. The currency they used is the South Korean Won and its exchange in dollars is: 1 dollar = 1,172.44 won. The Korean flag is called Taegeukgi, and is composed by several parts, the first is the red and blue circle in the midle and is called taegeuk, and is divided into two parts, the red part represents the force of yang and the blue part represents the force of um, in others words they represent the positive cosmic forces and the negative cosmic forces respectly and together they form the balance of the universe. The white color represents peace and purity. The 4 black trigrams symbo...

About Me

 Hello, I am Oscar Useche, the writer of  the blog about South Korea culture, and now you can know more about my life, my hobbies, studies, amoung many other things. First of all, I am from Bogotá, the capital city of Colombia. I am 21 years old and I am an architecture student at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla. My hobbies in sports are playing basketball, soccer and volleyball. In other hand I also like to play chess, draw, and practice piano. However lately I have not spend much time on my hobbies but I have been doing work related to architecture such as housing, urban facilities and plublic space design. Also, I am a curious person, I like to read and learn about interesting and important topics of history, culture, geography, languages and even politics. And it is precisely this curiosity to learn about different cultures that lead me to become interested in South Korean culture, and in aspects such as: how it has become a nation with a hight growth economy, wi...

South Korean culture

  This time I want to tell you about some interesting aspects of South Korean culture. This blog will be divided into several parts or entries, the first I will show you some basic information about the country, such as its location, population, language, among others. Secondly, I will deal with some features of South Korean culture, among them are gender roles, values and labels. Third, I will campare South Korean culture through the Lewis model and the Hofstede model.    GYEONGBOKGUNG PALACE IN SEOUL CITY OF SEOUL